eMotional graphics

I kept on hearing "give it kinetic type" or "have you seen this guys show reel?" and I always was like, yeah, whatever, boring. It's something that is created in a dark studio, that requires millions upon millions of hours to come up with and it's a terribly synthetic look (not to mention a hideous myriad of algorhythm). But in a new more positive helen neville vibe, it's time to be open and aware of the different medium's out there. Because one day I will have to use them. So it's important to get famliar, quick. I have posted 2 inspiring pieces that caught my attention and it's kind of a beautiful thing to see a marriage of commerce and imagination.

On a lighter note, I was having a ponder this'morning in bed and thinking about the first time I used a modern colour computer. It was back in 1994 and I was in grade 4. There was this weird program called "Logo" and it used a little cursor called Kturtle. You had to type in scripts, and make him walk around the screen. Essentially you were using programming and graphics. This is great that they taught this stuff to 9 years olds back in the mid nineties!

Chris Labrooy - Playful Type from Debut Art on Vimeo.

Umeric 'Until Now' 2010. from Umeric on Vimeo.


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