Funnee. The way Magazine Publishers of Australia patronisingly refers to online advertising with use of dry quotation marks as being "instant". Last time I checked, said publication, Famous, was consumed in an instant. With Nescafe Blend 47 on hand, I feverishly flick, eyes epileptically darting from picture to picture, taking in one or two words, then proceeding to toss in the bin and its all over in an instant.
If MPA is suggesting that the magazine as a platform for advertising has more longevity then online, well they chose the wrong one to advertise in!
What the hell is something as sparse and serious doing in a trashy magazine such as Famous? MPA is preaching to an audience that is disappointed that they can't seem to find their instant coffee sample glued to the page. This Double Page spread is a complete waste of ink, the readership of Famous are less likely to take out an ad in Famous then Kim Kardashian is going to graduate from Oxford. Nice one MPA.
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